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10 Stress Free Tips to Making Your Holidays Happy

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

Are you ready to beat the holiday stress?

These tips are great for any season, any time of the year. Here’s 10 ways to have a Stress Free Holiday:

1. Plan.

Plan to budget for the holidays. If you are married or in a relationship, please plan together! Do not make any financial decisions without the other knowing.

2. Review your expectations.

Be realistic, if you do not have much to give this holiday season, make due with what you have and do not go overboard. Your heart may be in the right place but your wallet may not!

3. Know and accept your limits.

Accept this fact, but prayerfully next year will be different.

4. Remember, IT IS OK to say NO!

Family and Friends should understand! If they do not, that has nothing to do with you. Create and protect your boundaries.

5. In fact…

Have the list of hotels ready for out of state guests if you cannot pack them all at your home this year! Again, it is totally ok!

6. Realize that everything may not turn out as planned!

You have done you could, so be open to adjust where necessary and take the good with the bad!

7. Look at all that you have accomplished.

Rather than what was not accomplished. Pat yourself on the back, too! Remember, your kids love you regardless if you did not get them what they wanted this year! They love you!

8. Have some needed quiet time for you.

Have time for yourself before, during, and after everything is done. If you are single, plan to have some rest and relaxation time. If you are married or in a relationship, make time to have needed quality time together.

9. Please get plenty of rest.

Get plenty of rest and exercise to buffer any unforeseen (or foreseen) stress!

10. Now take deep breaths…..

Slowly let it out… exhale.   It is okay!

Your time for personal revolution is now: Are you able, ready, and willing to seize it?

Until then, Be Limitless and Discover Your Next.

What’s Your Next?

P.S. Want to know how I can help you live, love and lead powerfully and boldly without limits? Click this link to apply to work with me and let's help you boldly and powerfully lead without limits:



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